Job Stories Examples & AI Prompt

Want to know why so many sales emails are...awful?

It's because they start with value props. This framework is great for situations when people come to you (at a party, to your website, etc), but it's terrible for outreach.

That's because a traditional value prop is focused internally, on your company. There's very little focus on a specific persona or situation. Instead, try using job stories. Here's what they look like:


This is much more focused, it's in the customer's voice, and it includes specific context.

Check out the video and grab the workflow by entering your email address here. You'll see how Dan uses ChatGPT to brainstorm different trigger events, hooks, and entire job stories - and then rank them in order of strength.

Once you have a bunch of great job stories, you'll see how much easier it is to write great sales emails!

This is a guide to job stories and how you can use them to create many different, specific angles for your emails. It includes a ChatGPT prompt that you can use to create and analyze different job stories.

Job Stories Examples & AI Prompt

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